Monday, June 22, 2009

Do Not Commit Arson. Not Even Once.

Both of my parents work in marketing/advertizing. Incidentally, this has lead me to become very aware and at times critical of all types of commericals, movies, magazine, etc. It's sort of a pass time in my family to watch and critique commercials. While other families mute the TV or leave to room when a commercial break comes on, my family gathers round in excited anticipation of the commercial we will tear apart. My friends hate it when I get all analytic.

Just the other day, my sister, Darbi, and I were watching a movie on some family friendly channel. My mom and dad were both at the hospital because my mother had just had surgery last week and my dad was staying with her. Anyways, back to my living room and my story. So, Darbi and I were watching Narnia (I adore that movie) and pigging out on a huge bowl of pretzels and Cheeze Its (or as my best friend and I like to call them, Cheeze The's). It was pure a summer-do-nothing-but-lay-around moment. Even the commercials brought us a perverse joy. The only draw back was that when you watch movies on TV, they have commercial breaks every six minutes (this is actually a proven fact, look it up. It's because people's attention span will only last for about that amount of time, especially if the thing they're watching is hardcore.) and even worse is that the commercials are exactly the same every time! It is truly obnoxious, because by about a third of the way into the movie, we had already analyzed and perfected every commercial they played. Now, when the commercials came on we muted the TV or walked out of the room like any normal family.

It was late at night, maybe 11:30 or 12, when another commercial break came on. I was tired so I just laid were I was on the floor and stared blankly at the TV screen as the commercial for Dove body lotion came on for the 13th time. My sister walked out of the room to go pee when a new comercial came on. It was for Emerald Nuts and it was funny, but the best thing about it was that it was NEW. I hadn't seen it the entire time I had been watching the movie, I hadn't seen it ever before in my life!The commercial was about a therapist too tired to convince his patient to not burn down the building. The acting and the content was mediocre; what made the commercial, wether or not it was meant to be humorous, was the little message at the bottom of the screen that flased as the building was burning.

Do Not Commit Arson. Not Even Once.

Good thing they told me that because I was considering it. But I guess I shouldn't do it.

Not Even Once.

<3 Humming Sue

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